Wednesday, February 2, 2011

North Wing Update

I realized the other day that I have posted about the North Wing in awhile.

If you are just joining us you can read about it here.

The month has been a slow progress. I can tell you that I HATE spackling and sanding!!!!

But we are still working on the North Wing. Since my Dad and I only work on it on Fridays for a few hours we are making good progress!!!

This past Friday was very exciting for me. When we had our house built I wanted two things; a slop sink and a garbage disposable. With our sewer system we can't have a garbage disposable and for some reason it would have cost a lot of money to put a slop sink in the basement.

When Tommy and I decided that we were going to renovate our garage I said one thing I want is a slop sink. Guess what it was hooked up this past week! Can I get a woo hoo?!?!?!

Here are some photos of the garage today (actually my room)

My sink!!

Isn't she beautiful?

The water coming out!!!

We had to drain the water in the bucket because my Dad bought the wrong sized fitting.

Taking measurements for the sheet rock.

The outlet for the dryer.

For a second I thought my Dad was Kurt Russell from a "Beautiful Mind."

My Dad trying to get the fitting off. It only took him 100 curse words to get it off. (My father curses a lot when things are not working out).

This is our heater for right now!!

I bought this light over a month ago on my way home from the Bronx. Love IKEA!!

The pipes!!!

My Dad tightening everything up before we put up the sheet rock.

The sheet rock is up!!!!

So excited!!! Now I need to Spackle and sand about 100 times!!!! UGH!!!!!


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