Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Twas The Night Before

Pre-K and all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
Hahaaha that's a joke.

The kids are so excited to go to school. I kept them outside all day playing so they would be so tired for bed.
I on the other hand sit here by myself worried, scared, anxious, sad, and yet happy!!
This will be the first time I have EVER left the kids with someone who is not family.

I am a control freak and having the kids with me all the time allows me to control what is going on in their life. I know that's not a good thing because I have to let them spread their wings and fly. It's just hard!!! I know millions of parents are taking their kids to school for the first time, but how many of them are doing it with twins?

I know that the kids will love school. I know that they will make friends and have fun learning!!
I am so happy that they have each other at school!!

Exactly five years ago today, I began my adventure as a stay at home mom.
Five years ago today I said good bye to my old life as a Director of Activities, shopping weekly at Home Goods, and being my own individual person. I was put on bed rest to carry these kids to term. Which I did!! Good job me and all those people that watched and took care of me during that time.

For the past five years my WHOLE life has been these precious kids!!! I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to stay home and raise our kids. I am very fortunate!!!!

Now, I have nine hours a week for just me. What will I do with myself?
Stay tuned for the adventures of Janine!!! I know you can't wait to see!!! LOL!!!

I am going to go now drink some wine and cry a little ....
I really haven't cried much but tonight as the kids and I were cuddling on the couch like we do every night I was crying. The kids asked me why I was crying? I told them that I just can't believe how fast they are growing.  Which is TRUE. Speed Racer looked at me and said "no matter how big I get Mommy I will always be your boyfriend." I had to bite my tongue so I wouldn't gush like a waterfall!!!

I know I'll be ok!!!

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