Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thursday Tips

I thought I would try something different and give you some tips on Thursdays.

Here is Tip 1.

Do you have a mildew problem in the corner of your shower? It's ok, be honest. I won't judge!! I have the same problem. But I found a way to eliminate the mildew in the corners.


Are you ready for the tip? Once you clean the mildew away, you take 1 cotton ball for each corner and dip it into bleach and place the cotton ball soaked in bleach in the corner of your shower. It keeps the mildew away. I have tried this for the past two months and it works. I would change the cotton ball every week or two. If you have small kids who use the shower or tub I would not suggest you do this.

Even though the picture is not my shower it did look similar to the picture. I had to clean up the old mildew.  Would you like to know what I used?

Tip 2.

It works AWESOME!!! It's very strong smelling so make sure you open up your windows. But if you have a tough stain you need to pull out the tough guys. I never use this product in the kids bathrooms. Of course, I don't have a mildew problem in their bathroom. I bet you are wondering where to buy this AWESOME cleaning product. You can get it at the Dollar Tree. That's right girlfriend this product is a dollar and works wonders. My Nana even swears by it!! We were talking about it during her visit.

Do you have any tips to share?

Be sure to stop back tomorrow to see my new Friday posts.


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