Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Long A Waited Fireplace Story

The fireplace has been in my life for.... well entire life, but has never been mine, until NOW!!

I have always admired the fireplace at my Nana's house. Nana's living room was centered around the fireplace. Nana always had it decorated in a Victorian fashion. I always thought it was special never really knowing why. I loved how the fire was fake but it always made me feel warm. I thought it was weird that it didn't make any noise. But why would a fake fire make noise? (Am I silly or what?)

Several years ago when Nana was moving into her Senior Apartment building she asked me if I wanted the fireplace. I so wanted to say yes and run with it but two things worked against that happening. Tommy really didn't want it and Gared was moving into his house and really needed furniture and stuff to make it look like a home. So I kindly turned it down and told Nana to ask Gared. I was a little said. I told Gared that if there was ever a time he didn't want it anymore that I would take it.

Gared and Lauren have been doing major renovation in their house and they decided that they didn't want the fireplace anymore. Gared being good to his word to me (as he always is) offered me the fireplace. I was so excited I said yes without even asking Tommy. It's not like I was buying it. So did I really need to ask? I could tell that Tommy was less then thrilled when I told him that the fireplace would be coming to live with us.

Gared bought the fireplace to my parents house. I was hoping that it would fit in our CRV, but it didn't. I was so disappointed because I was looking forward to putting it in our room and adorning it with decorations.

Then the light bulb clicked. My parents could bring it up with them when they come to visit. My mom would just need help loading it into the pick up. Gared volunteered to help her. (He's such a good boy-always willing to help his big little sister.)

The big day came. The fireplace was coming to it's new home. I was so excited!!! When Tommy and I were unloading it from the truck we learned something very interesting about this fireplace. I was looking at it and saw some measurement in familiar handwriting. I asked my dad about it (he was outside supervising us unload the fireplace) he said that Nana made this fireplace. I suddenly realized why I always loved this fireplace. Nana made it!!! How awesome is that?!?!?

It took about a week to be assembled properly to the wall. But it looks awesome and I think that Tommy even loves it!! You know what else I learned about the fireplace? The fire actually does make noise. I think that we never heard it at Nana's house because it was always loud with love and laughter.

The fire!! Like my cowboy boots? Since they don't fit my feet I thought I would use them as decoration. You may notice there is a tile missing. Well, my plan is to take off all the tile and replace it. just need to find the right tile.

It's blurry but at least you can see the fire!

This lovely lady sits on top of the mirror. I can just imagine that Nana saw this and thought to put it on top of the fireplace or perhaps she built the fireplace around it. I'll have to ask her when she come for her visit.

I hope you enjoyed the fireplace story!!

Love and Hugs,

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