Thursday, July 22, 2010


On Sunday, I made a huge patch of Orzo Salad. That means I cleaned out the fridge and put everything into the Orzo. I figured if I had leftovers Tommy and I could have it for lunch over the week and I could give it to the kids for dinner a couple of times.

Yesterday around 4:30ish the kids asked what's for dinner and I said leftovers. Well there was almost a stoning here. The kids started yelling and screaming that they don't want leftovers. I was in trouble because I haven't gone food shopping in almost 4 weeks. (Called Tommy and told him to pick up dinner.)

Pick your mouth off the floor, I get a gallon of milk here and there. I go to the Farmer's Market or a Farm stand once or twice a week. I also run into the store and get bread if I need it.

I just haven't had the desire to schlep the kids into the food store. They're at the phase that they are getting too big to sit in the cart. They want to walk around which doubles my time in the store. It's nice that they want to help me and be independent but I just want to hurry out of the store before someone has a break down. (Most times it's me that wants to have the break down.)

Tommy informed me last night we are out of milk. We also need a lot of other supplies and food.

I guess I have no choice but to go food shopping.

I am off to:

Make my shopping list

Bribe the kids with pancakes from McDonalds

Prayer that we have a un-eventful shopping trip

I already feel like not going but maybe I should bribe myself with a new magazine. Good idea!!!

Oh I wish I lived close to:

I would even be happy with a new Shop Rite.

Hope you have a great day!!


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