Thursday, January 28, 2010

Snow Day

So the kids and I woke up today to a surprise that we were not expecting at all...SNOW!! It figures Tommy is away and we get snow, so I will be the one shoveling and playing outside with the kids. As soon as the kids saw the snow they wanted to go sled ridding. I explained that that's Daddy's thing. They seemed to agree with me. But my thing is making yummy treats and having the hot chocolate ready. So on this snowy day I was playing the role of Mommy and Daddy. The kids and I made peanut butter cookies with a Hershey Kiss on top. I boiled the water and put it in the carafe to it would still be warm when we came in from the snow.

We got all dressed and headed outside. I don't mind doing man house work (painting, changing light bulbs, and fixing things around the house, etc. in fact when something needs to be fixed when Tommy is home the kids come to me). Anyway back to my story...but I hate shoveling!!!! Luckily it warmed up and the three inches of snow was very light. The kids were very eager to help me out. Aiden was pushing his lawn mower around saying it was his snow blower and Amelia was loading her wheel barrow with the snow. They were so helpful and sweet. We spent about an hour outside and told them it was time to go inside, but of course they did not want to go in, but I was locked and loaded with hey let's get some hot chocolate and they were running inside!! Thank G*d thought ahead to do that. Inside we sat and had some hot chocolate. I say we had a good snow day even though Tommy was not home!!!

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